Channel 4 and Australian Tour

pek,a f*da ùäfhdaj ksid
´iafg%,shdkq ,xld ixpdrh

kj;k njg lgl;d

B<`. ixpdrh i|yd ,xldjg ´iafÜ%,shdkq l%slÜ lKavdhu tkakg ;j we;af;a Èk lsysmhls' kuq;a lgl;dj,a f,i me;sr ;sfnkafka pek,a f*da ùäfhdaj ksid ,xldj wmlS¾;shg m;aj we;s fyhska fï ixpdrh ´iafg%,shdkq ms< j¾ckh lrkq we;s njhs' kuq;a tys i;H;djh ;yjqre lr ke;'

miq.shod ´iafg%,shdkq taîiS cd;sl rEmjdysksfha f*da fldak¾ia kï jevigykska pek,a f*da¾ ùäfhdafõ iïmQ¾K jd¾;dj bÈßm;a lsÍu;a iu. trg ,xldj .ek úYd, l;dnyla we;sj ;sfnk w;r l%slÜ f,da,Ska w;r ,xldj ms<sn| is;=ï me;=ï fjkiaù we;s nj;a fï fya;=fjka t<efUk Y%S ,xld ixpdrh i|yd ´iafÜ%,shdkq l%slÜ f,da,Skaf.a furgg meñKSu wvq úh yels nj;a jd¾;d fjkjd' 

´iafg%,shdj ;,sh j¾ckh lrkq we;s njg me;sfrk l;dj ms<sn| trg l%slÜ n,OdÍka ;ju ks, ksfõokhla ksl=;a lr ke;s w;r l%sla bkaf*d fjí wvúhg trg l%slÜ md,l uKav,fha m%OdkS fmda,a udIa woyia olajñka lshd we;af;a ñka by; fujeksu wmjdohla isïndífõ rch fj; ,enqK wjia:dfõ th fya;=jla lrf.k ;ukaf.a isïndífõ ixpdrh w;aysgqùug ;SrKhla .;a nj;a fï wjia:dfõ l=ula lrkafkao hkak is;d ke;s nj;ah'

´iafg%,shdkq cd;sl ms< fïld,fha l%svd l=i,;djhkaf.ka ÿ¾j, uÜgul mj;sk nj;a fï ld,fha fyd¢ka l%svdlrk ,xldfõ ms< iu. ixpdrhl ksr;ùu Tjqkag fyd| w;a±lSula ùug bv ;sfnk nj;a Tyq mjid ;sfnkjd'

,xldjg tfrys fou< n,fõ. fï ld,fha pek,a f*da ùäfhdaj f,dj mqrd úldYh lrkakg úúO W;aidyhka .kakd w;ru ,xldj ms<sn| wmlS¾;shla we;s jk mßÈ wi;H lgl;do m;=rjñka isáhs'

The next Australian cricket tour of Sri Lanka is due shortly. Owing to the mislead Australian public about the fabricated channel 4 video. There is much speculation among the players to boycott the tour. However this matter is yet to be confirmed.
Recently over the Australian ABC Television channel during the ‘four corners’ programme, there had been a lot of discussion about the Channel 4 video and the cricketing fraternity in Australian had taken its contents as the absolute truth and had been forced to take a firm stand on it. This had forced most Australians fans due to tour Sri Lanka to think further, thus reducing those who had already intended to tour Sri Lanka to witness the matches. Cricket Australia is yet to issue a directive on this channel 4, video conflict.
In an earlier instance too, there had been false rumours about the security situation in Sri Lanka, which the authorities of Australian Cricket came to a conclusive decision. However the Head of Australian Cricket Paul Marsh, had conveyed his views to the ‘Cricinfo’.had added that during a previous occasion in a conflict in the Zimbabwe’s Government ,the Australian cricket had to cancel a tour that was scheduled to be held. However the Australian Cricket is still to take a decision in this regard.
It has to be said that Australian cricket is now at a receding dominance, unlike Sri Lanka and it is prudent to play Sri Lanka to enhance their current skills which is at low ebb.
The Channel 4 video, a fabricated version is shown, in many channels in a number of countries, to bring disrepute to Sri Lanka, by Tamil speaking ethnic LTTE groups and are spreading rumours to defame Sri Lanka, perhaps after the blatant LTTE terrorists were crushed by our Forces..

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