Shopping at Wal-Mart

Out with the family, yesterday morning:


This is the Wal-Mart in Foothill Ranch. It's beautiful out there. That's Saddleback Mountain seen from the parking at the second picture below:



Turns out that Wal-Mart had its annual meeting on Friday, "Wal-Mart CEO pushes plan to keep retailer growing." And it announced a huge $15 billion stock buy-back: "Wal-Mart to Buy Back Billions More in Shares."

Cruising around the toy section:


I love Wal-Mart. Great selection of products, and of course great prices. And environmentally friendly? "Wal-Mart's motive is no secret: Going green saves it money." Well, better late than never, I guess.

Wall Mart Shopping

Okay, here's the kid's Holy Grail, the Beyblades:

Wall Mart Shopping

I wrote about Beyblades last November. They're still popular.

And it's back to the skatepark later today!

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